3 Years Later- New Places

Blog Followers!!

Bet you never thought you would hear from my again, did you?!  Well, I wanted to pass on some new info:

It’s been 3 years, 5/8, sense I moved to NYC and I’m still “living the dream”.  Running has taken center stage, I love my apartment, and I’m planning some fun things for the upcoming year.  However, this blog has… well… run its course.

I’ve written some great content (and some not so great stuff) but it’s time for a new look and a new focus.  I’ve launched a NEW BLOG here on WordPress with the same fun me writing all kinds of content- some pieces will make a repeat appearance for sure!

Check out Run. Live. Love.  A blog all about sharing Fitness, Wine, and Lifestyle Fun to encourage and inspire others to be their best!

Link at Run. Live. Love. BLOG

Please follow it and continue to follow my journey.  It promises to be exciting!  See you there.

