It’s December!!

Happy Monday darling readers!
Can you believe it’s December 1st already? Where has 2014 gone?! I’m not really sure, but it’s definitely been a roller coaster of a year.

I started the day… the month… off this something seasonal and festive– my perfectly crafted Christmas Pandora Radio station and a Peppermint Mocha. If that does not say December, then I don’t know what would. And so far it’s been a successful day.

So, on the BLOG side of things, I wanted to start this month off this something new and seasonal and festive and I came up with “25 Days of Fitness” (a spoof on the 25 Days of Christmas). My goal is to share with you my fitness endeavors and progressions– I want to encourage myself to do something for my body every day and share it! These posts will mostly be short and sweet (i hope). Mostly just a picture of whatever I worked on that day and a brief personal thought or reflection on it. I’m really coming at this from my Instagram- so find and follow me @nychristiane too!!

So your thinking– “Great! We are just gonna get a bunch of pics of treadmill mileage.” Well, that’s probably kinds true, but not totally. I’m working on running, yes… but also Pilates, Yoga, Cross-training, Meditation… and more. Fitness can have many forms and I want to look into more then just cardio.

Look for the first post later today!! (What it will be focusing on will be a surprise)

I hope you all will follow along and maybe pick up your own “25 Days of Fitness”!! Feel free to share your thoughts, comments, personal goals, progress, anything you want- here!

And as always- share, comment, like, follow, chirp, etc! @nychristiane on Instagram and Twitter!

lovealways, christiane

I’d Read Your Blog If…

You went to France!!

That’s what my boss said to me a few weeks ago in regards to reading blogs in general.
And of course it got me thinking- What do people read about? What is found interesting or intriguing? Of my personal posts, I’ve discovered that posts regarding my relationship struggles or specific New York City experiences get the most attention. Of course these are posts that I sometimes feel are beating a subject into the ground or just fussing… whereas posts about my dance or running go by seemingly unnoticed, and of course those I thought would be interesting and unique.

Which led me to wonder what kind of blogs, if any, people spend time reading?! I’ll be honest, I seldom read a blog consistently. That’s not to say I haven’t… just not often. Usually the blogs I read are those of my friends when they are traveling or embarking on some new adventure that I want to keep tabs on. I have been better at reading posts from the various blogs I’m following… but really should do more it I want to be an active member of the blogging community.

Which leads me to the point of this post– what do you all (my followers and readers) enjoy hearing about? What do you enjoy reading?

When I set out on this blog extravaganza it was because I was setting out on my New York adventure and I wanted to stay in touch with everyone. Of course that fell off the grid but I’m pretty serious about keeping this up now, so tell me what you might like to hear about!!

And please continue to share, follow, comment, like, or just read!

lovealways, christiane

Off the Grid

I’ve totally fallen off said grid. And I was doing so well at writing and reflecting and all that good stuff!
But that doesn’t mean I haven’t been doing anything fun and exciting. It’s actually that I’ve been very busy and have new stories to share… Now I just need to find the time. Or maybe the time is there, I’m just not making the most of it?
I’ve noticed that some days, when I think about what I got done in those past 24 hours it’s not much and 90% of the time consists only of work and spending time on the train getting between jobs and home. Then days when I don’t have to go to work I hardly want to leave my apartment…. Bed… Basically I sleep all day. I’ve realized I’m really not making the most of my time and all of our time is limited, so why am I not rallying and doing something? Cause when I do I feel great. Ok maybe I wish I got more sleep, but that’s not the only thing I have to have time for.
Every month I make a list of personal goals and I give myself a prize at the end. This month, even though this is my first post this month, one of my goals is to write more. And I don’t mean write about how much I miss certain things, people, love, life styles… No I mean write about what I’ve been up to, what discoveries I’m making, and what adventures I’m on.
Kinda bringing this blog back to the whole reason I started it.
I’m living in New York City and I should have more to say then, “I’m lonely, tired, and broke.”

So hold me to it! And keep your eyes peeled for more fun posts in the near future!


A Short and Simple Message

Good morning beautiful friends, family, followers, readers, viewers, and visitors.

I feel like such a horrible blog writer!  You all follow and read or even give my blog the time of day and  I’m really good at posting interesting things for a few weeks… then I totally fall of the grid for indefinite lengths of time.   Well This short message is just to say “Don’t give up on my just yet”!

I have a lot of things I want to write about and posts that are in the works… but I always seem to run out of hours in the day.  But with Fall moving into the city, I’m making a change (which my boss pointed out to me yesterday- I’m not good at).  I want to work on getting into a new routine– balancing work at both jobs, time to run and work out, time to socialize with friends and maybe meet new people, time to write interesting and engaging posts for you all to read, and time for myself… whatever that means.

I think that sounds like a good plan.  And just to keep you all interested, I’ll let you in on some of the topics I have planned for you!

– of course, more of the mini series “Sharing is Scare” with dance pictures, videos, and experiences.

– More on life style and culture in New York City, including a piece on Subway travel

– Some posts with a variety of photos from outings in and around the city including “I #liveforcloudydays” (which is also a tag only I have on Instagram… you should check it out @NYChristiane )

– And of course, I’m sure more posts on my personal tango with love, loss, relationships, feelings, life styles, and daily life in general.

Well now, if that does not sound like fun, I don’t know what does!!!

So hang in there and stay tuned, more good stuff is on the way.  Till then, follow, comment, read, share, like, etc.  Also look for my on Instagram and Twitter:  @NYChristiane

Now, if you are in NYC- go out and enjoy this BEAUTIFUL DAY!!!  I already for my run in this morning and I feel great!

love always, christiane