One the 2nd Day of Fitness!

Hey look ya’ll, I got to day 2!!

“Well rounded Core work (Pilates style), good stretch (Yoga style), and a nice 2.5 mile run! Fitting a workout between jobs can be hard, but it’s important to mix up your routine, challenge your body, tone your muscles, lengthen them, and include at least 20 minutes of cardio ❤️ listen to your body but don’t be afraid to push it a little too!

Thanks to Brooks Running and Gap for my outfit today!!”

So, today was kinda hard, but really exhilarating. It was supposed to be a “long”(er) run day- like 4 miles- but by the time I finished a thorough stretch and strengthening session and got to the tread mill I could tell my body would not be happy with me if I pushed 4 miles then turned around and sat at work for 5 hours. I opted for a strong short run and a great shower after and I feel great tonight!

I’ve learned and really tried to practice 2 things as I advance in my personal fitness world:
1. Core work and stretching BEFORE a run makes the running so much better! I feel more lifted and light on my feet. I notice I’m not as tight afterwards and I feel like I can continue to move the rest of the day.
2. Set goals and expectations, but don’t beat yourself up if you can’t keep to it every time. Like today, I wanted to do a longer run- but I had limited time and a busy evening at work ahead of me- I realized it would have done more harm then good for me today. So, instead of feeling defeated and maybe not even doing a workout at all, I did a hard, solid, very sweaty one and I ran hard till the very end… I also had time to take a shower and get cleaned up, eat, and get to work on time!

Fitness isn’t always about pushing and sweating, it’s really a lot about taking time for yourself and listening to your body.

Challenging yourself physically and mentally is also important, that’s how you work up to running further and faster, stretching for that full split, or doing the “Big 5 Ab Series” without a break.

What did you do today? Share, encourage, comment, like, follow, sweat!

It’s also on my Instagram, if you’re not following- you should be! @nychristiane

lovealways, christiane

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