On all the Days of Fitness I’ve missed!

That would be the 8th-18th Days.

Wow… I now it’s been a while… which wasn’t supposed to happen, sense i was planning on writing every day for my 25 Days of Fitness.

Well, I want y’all to know that I HAVE been doing something every day!!  I’ve been posting on Instagram (@nychristiane) which is a lot easier and faster (sometimes) then working on a whole post. BUT I want to post everything on here and catch you up on my adventure!!

I’ll just caption each photo with what I did that day.  By the 25th… or 26th… I’ll do a nice reflection post.

So here we go… a photo array of the past 11 days and my fitness endeavors!


On the 7th Day of Fitness:  I was up with the sun, headed to the Gym.  Today was a short run with high incline.  Then I came home and taught my roommate a Pilates Mat 1 class focused on arms and core!  Challenge your body and share your knowledge!


On the 8th Day of Fitness:  I wanted to see if I could sprint out a 10 minute mile… and well, I can!!  Varying your running in distance, incline, speed, etc. can be a great way to keep your body on its toes!  Also did a fantastic upper body workout with weights!  Not a bad Monday.


On the 9th Day of Fitness:  self led Pilates class with a focus on arms!!  I like to use easy alb weights.  Keep in mind, using light weights will build strong lean muscles (not lots of bull) so- ladies especially- don’t be afraid to pick up the weights for your arms reps!!  A strong supportive upper body can be a powerful, beautiful thing!


On the 10th Day of Fitness:  Oh the weather outside was frightful (it was snowing) but the treadmill is so delightful!  Core work and 3 mile run today!  Feeling good and staying warm as winter sets in.  Remember it’s important to layer and stay hydrated!!


On the 11th Day of Fitness: I had to listen to my body, which was saying “If you even thing about putting on those shoes, I”m gonna fall right off that treadmill”.  Instead, I reviewed my Pilates certification material and read Women’s Running Magazine with my snuggle flurries and some vitamin C (and Christmas music!).  It can be hard, but it’s always important to listen to your body and take it easy when needed.  Good food and sleep will only help your body on it’s path to health and fitness.


On the 12th Day of Fitness:  I gave myself an intense Pilates class and included props.  Difficult 1 footed bridge shows here, lift and lower the free leg makes this a fun glut workout.  Then gave my feet some love and attention with Tune-Up Therapy balls!


On the 13th Day of Fitness:  Core, arms, leg, and glut work.  Then a really kick ass run!  The process clearly isn’t pretty, but I”m loving the results.  I nearly gave up today at the 3 mile mark, but I kept going- one foot in front of the other- and the last mile was actually the easiest!  It’s a mind over matter case and my body was up for the push. Feeling super good!!

Don’t ask me where the picture for the 14th Day of Fitness is… I can’t get it to upload at the moment!  which is frustrating cause it’s pretty.  But on that day I got to take Pilates class before work.  Class had a serious focus on lower abs and triceps.  Then took some time to roll out my legs from that run last night!  Challenge yourself, but know when your body needs rest.


On the 15th Day of Fitness:  Today was a guilt free rest day.  My body has been feeling and performing very well but I know that if I push it to hard without enough rest and rebuilding time between workouts, I won’t always feel as good.  I like to be active, so taking a day off from the gym or the mat is hard.  I did though do some body conscious shopping– can’t wait to foam roll after my next run and to unveil my new gear from Jack Rabbit Running!!


On the 16th Day of Fitness:  Stretch, core, arms, and a chill run!  Feeling really good today.  Sometimes some quiet time at the gym can make even the longest days a lot better.  Can’t wait to go home and roll out a little on my new roller!


On the 18th Day of Fitness:  I.. Ummm…. Didn’t make it to the gym or to a class or anything.  I did what healthy, walk around the city a lot, and carry bags of holiday gifts all over.  While I had my gym bag packed, in the end I decided sleep was more important this evening.  Not disappointed or upset with myself, just more motivated for tomorrow.


And that brings us to TODAY!!!  On the 18th Day of Fitness:  Wanted some cardio without the impact, so I hit the bike today!  6 miles in 30 minutes plus full core, back, and leg workout… oh and threw some arms in there too!  Feeling good today and looking forward to tomorrow!

It’s been a really awesome few days!  It’s also been brought to my attention that I’m motivating others!!!!  I think that’s totally amazing and makes me even more motivated on days I don’t want to get out of bed.

As usual, please comment, share, like, follow, etc!

Tomorrow is my birthday, and I have something special planned.  😉

lovealways, Christiane

On the 4th and 5th Days of Fitness!

Yes- I know I didn’t write yesterday but I did workout.  This post will be for both days and that’s actually great cause they are things that really work together and that I’m discovering a passion for.  So here so go!

On the 4th Day of Fitness, I ran 4.45 miles in under an hour.  This is really good for me and I was (am) very pleased and proud.  I used to feel self conscious about running long sweaty runs cause I turn so red, even when I’m well hydrated… Till I realized no one cares. The process may not be pretty, but it feels amazing when it’s done. Set a goal, reach it, and go beyond! I’m training myself for longer and longer runs! Remember it’s important to stretch before and after a serious run and do core work- it helps you stay lifted and move safely.


I got really worn out in towards the middle of this run.  My mind started taking over and I almost just stopped at 3 miles, but the only way to get better and go further is to push yourself… and I had told people I was planning a 4 mile today, I didn’t want togo back on that!  My body was fine to keep going, it was a mind over matter thing.  The best thing to do is to keep breathing and think of something else, then just go!  After this run I felt really proud of myself, satisfied, and accomplished.  Already in just the few days that I’ve been back seriously at the gym, I’m beginning to see and feel changes in my body and my mind!

Then, on the 5th Day of Fitness- Pilates session! Pictures here- the “Big 5 Ab Series”. Core strength is incredibly important, it helps you stand, walk, and sit with good posture as well as aid in making your mid-section look great! Jo Pilates believed that quality of movement was better then quantity of reps, especially if you are targeting and using correct muscles. A good workout doesn’t always have to take all day or even require a fancy facility.


Some of you may know, most of you may not, that I recently went through Pilates mat teacher training and I am (for all intents and purposes) a certified Pilates mat teacher!  I decided to do this training for a few reasons (there will be a post more dedicated to this later) but one was that I wanted to be able to incorporate more core work into my gym time and I wanted to know how to do it correctly, and what I was doing anyway!  Pilates exercises, when performed correctly, can be done really every day.  Low reps done right will strengthen, lengthen, and tone your muscles.  There are always modifications for something to be more or less difficult depending on the person or they way your body is feeling that day.

I took it easy today.  I love core work and doing it at home means I can listen to Christmas music while I workout, not fight with someone to find a spot in the stretching section of the gym, and be more comfortable.  It’s important to give your body time to rest between long runs and hard workouts… this allows your muscles can regenerate after being worked and helps prevent injury from overdoing it on tired joints and work muscles.

What have you been working on?  Share here!  And follow, comment, like, share, etc.  Stay warm, be well, and sweat!

lovealways,    christiane