Badass Ass

I’ve been away. I know. I’m sorry! But I’ve been busy sense I’ve been away. So I suppose it’s alright. I hope you agree.

Short and sweet today, just something that’s been on my mind– my hind quarter, rear, butt, behind, gluteus maximus, booty, back side, ass.

I’ve always known I had one (obviously) but I’ve never really put of much focus on it. I’ve always been told I, “have a nice booty for a white girl”… In recent weeks however, my roommates and friends have commented on it– “what a great ass you have”, and “I want a butt like yours”!
This has drawn my attention to my back-side and just being a bad ass in general. LOL!

I go glut work in Pilates and of course I run, but I’m not in the gym working on my ass every day. It’s just there, a nice addition… not a focus.

What I find interesting is the attention and focus others put on it. If my behind is a motivation to get yours in shape, OK I guess that’s great! If it’s something you are staring at, I’m NOT Ok with that and believe me I’ll slug you in the face!

Yes- sometimes I feel like a badass… changing the topic and the use of ass real quick.
“WHY?” you may ask… well for starters I recently registered for 2 half marathons in the spring and started on a 12 week training plan. That’s pretty cool! And I’m slowly growing as a Pilates teacher, with 2 standing clients, the potential for a class, and a lot more knowledge then before. I have been running (duh) but not retreating to the gym all the time cause of the cold and the snow… no no, I’ve been running outside- dressed appropriately- and last week did a quick 6 miles in Central Park between jobs just cause!

If those things don’t make me feel pretty awesome and badass I don’t know what would. I am seriously looking forward to continuing on my path to these half marathons and hope to have a huge cheering section for me!! hahaha! Otherwise, I’m doing me. Not trying to be a version of me that is forced or manicured (although my nails are a wreck at the moment) or striving to be perfect for someone else. Am I lonely… sure… but am I unhappy… overall NO. That’s all for another post at a later date. And of course there will be training updates and pictures galore!

Till then- comment, share, like, follow, tweet, etc! stay warm and strong.

lovealways, christiane


Happy New Year, lovely readers!

What are you up to today?  cleaning, sleeping, socializing, gym hunting, hangover nursing?  Well, whatever it is, I hope you are enjoying it.  Me, I’m relaxing in leggings and an oversized shirt eating a leisurely breakfast and writing to you, after sleeping in and recovering from my events last night… we will get to that in a minute.

Let us first talk about New Years.  A time when people party hard on 12/31 and ofter regret it the next morning.  A time when we get resolutions or intents for the next 12 months and (if we remember them for that long) try to see them through.  New Years is often about staying up late and possibly being out in the cold to watch object (a ball, a peach, a pelican) “drop” as thousands count down the last 10 seconds of the old year and welcome in the new one with confetti and cheers.   For many it’s a time to be with friends, family, and loved ones.  A kiss at midnight recognizing love and good luck is often shared between couples.  It’s a night to dress up and see fireworks another night then July 4th.

This New Years was… is… will continue to be different for me.  I didn’t dress up fancy- although my outfit all together was over $300.  I didn’t share it with anyone in particular- yet I shared 4 miles and a whole evening with 4000+ total strangers.  I didn’t hug or kiss anyone- I did cheers myself with sparkling cider along the way.  I didn’t set a “resolution” so much as I changed my focus… my personal motivation for getting up in the morning.

What did I do to ring in 2015?  I participated in the New York Road Runners 4 mile Midnight Run through Central Park… at, you guessed it, the stroke of midnight.  A massive fireworks display right in front of us kicked things off as several thousand runners took of to bring in the new year the best way we know how, in one of the most amazing cities north of the ATL  (lol).  I overcame so much in just a few hours.  I did this all alone… not with a group to follow… I took myself down and figured it out.  I did this in 30 degrees!!  25 or so with the wind chill… that’s cold guys, for me anyway.  I realized I’m overcoming my aversion to the cold (when dressed properly) and actually enjoyed it.  And I never stopped…  of course my pace varied, but I never stopped running, and this is a big one for me.  My mind gets tired well before my body and I’m often tempted to quit… but I didn’t not that night.

For me, this run will set the trend for my year.  I’m not making a resolution, as much as I’m setting my motivation.  Over the past several months it has been brought to my attention that I seldom do things because “I want to”.  It’s always been because it will please someone else, or make them happy in a long run, or look good when I go out with them, or to beat myself up for “mistakes” I have made.  I’ll let you all in on something not so pretty– all those days of fitness I did and nearly everything else for the past 5 months has been predominantly motivated by this thought, “If your Ex is that talented and good looking and amazing and YOU messed that up, you deserve to shred your muscles and push your body and beat yourself up… if for no other reason then that for a short time the physical pain is more intense then the emotional pain and for that time you don’t feel it”.


Yes, I know that’s unhealthy and I’m tired of it.  So in this new year- I am my motivation.  This year I am going to set goals, most likely various races in NYC, do things that make me happy.

“I will run for… myself.  To be the best me in this new year”.  to quote my race bib.

If you think that sounds selfish, it’s not.  Through a lot of thought, reflection, and growth I recognized that I have always done things to please others… that has been my motivation. But this is un-healthy and un-sustainable (as events in the past months have demonstrated).  However, if I am a truly confident and happy individual it will please others (and myself) for longer… healthier relationships.

This is going to be a new Christiane in a new year and I am pumped.  Not just running and working out… using my time, resources, and creative skills more.  I will write more.  I will make the time to grocery shop and cook again.  I will get my butt to classes.  I will socialize and explore.  I’m not saying it’s going to be easy…  but I’m not going to dwell on things I can’t fix and instead be in the present and be in it for me.

So y’all, what’s your New Years resolution… or motivation?  Share here if you would like, or just write it someplace for yourself and see what the year brings.

lovealways, christiane

On all the Days of Fitness I’ve missed!

That would be the 8th-18th Days.

Wow… I now it’s been a while… which wasn’t supposed to happen, sense i was planning on writing every day for my 25 Days of Fitness.

Well, I want y’all to know that I HAVE been doing something every day!!  I’ve been posting on Instagram (@nychristiane) which is a lot easier and faster (sometimes) then working on a whole post. BUT I want to post everything on here and catch you up on my adventure!!

I’ll just caption each photo with what I did that day.  By the 25th… or 26th… I’ll do a nice reflection post.

So here we go… a photo array of the past 11 days and my fitness endeavors!


On the 7th Day of Fitness:  I was up with the sun, headed to the Gym.  Today was a short run with high incline.  Then I came home and taught my roommate a Pilates Mat 1 class focused on arms and core!  Challenge your body and share your knowledge!


On the 8th Day of Fitness:  I wanted to see if I could sprint out a 10 minute mile… and well, I can!!  Varying your running in distance, incline, speed, etc. can be a great way to keep your body on its toes!  Also did a fantastic upper body workout with weights!  Not a bad Monday.


On the 9th Day of Fitness:  self led Pilates class with a focus on arms!!  I like to use easy alb weights.  Keep in mind, using light weights will build strong lean muscles (not lots of bull) so- ladies especially- don’t be afraid to pick up the weights for your arms reps!!  A strong supportive upper body can be a powerful, beautiful thing!


On the 10th Day of Fitness:  Oh the weather outside was frightful (it was snowing) but the treadmill is so delightful!  Core work and 3 mile run today!  Feeling good and staying warm as winter sets in.  Remember it’s important to layer and stay hydrated!!


On the 11th Day of Fitness: I had to listen to my body, which was saying “If you even thing about putting on those shoes, I”m gonna fall right off that treadmill”.  Instead, I reviewed my Pilates certification material and read Women’s Running Magazine with my snuggle flurries and some vitamin C (and Christmas music!).  It can be hard, but it’s always important to listen to your body and take it easy when needed.  Good food and sleep will only help your body on it’s path to health and fitness.


On the 12th Day of Fitness:  I gave myself an intense Pilates class and included props.  Difficult 1 footed bridge shows here, lift and lower the free leg makes this a fun glut workout.  Then gave my feet some love and attention with Tune-Up Therapy balls!


On the 13th Day of Fitness:  Core, arms, leg, and glut work.  Then a really kick ass run!  The process clearly isn’t pretty, but I”m loving the results.  I nearly gave up today at the 3 mile mark, but I kept going- one foot in front of the other- and the last mile was actually the easiest!  It’s a mind over matter case and my body was up for the push. Feeling super good!!

Don’t ask me where the picture for the 14th Day of Fitness is… I can’t get it to upload at the moment!  which is frustrating cause it’s pretty.  But on that day I got to take Pilates class before work.  Class had a serious focus on lower abs and triceps.  Then took some time to roll out my legs from that run last night!  Challenge yourself, but know when your body needs rest.


On the 15th Day of Fitness:  Today was a guilt free rest day.  My body has been feeling and performing very well but I know that if I push it to hard without enough rest and rebuilding time between workouts, I won’t always feel as good.  I like to be active, so taking a day off from the gym or the mat is hard.  I did though do some body conscious shopping– can’t wait to foam roll after my next run and to unveil my new gear from Jack Rabbit Running!!


On the 16th Day of Fitness:  Stretch, core, arms, and a chill run!  Feeling really good today.  Sometimes some quiet time at the gym can make even the longest days a lot better.  Can’t wait to go home and roll out a little on my new roller!


On the 18th Day of Fitness:  I.. Ummm…. Didn’t make it to the gym or to a class or anything.  I did what healthy, walk around the city a lot, and carry bags of holiday gifts all over.  While I had my gym bag packed, in the end I decided sleep was more important this evening.  Not disappointed or upset with myself, just more motivated for tomorrow.


And that brings us to TODAY!!!  On the 18th Day of Fitness:  Wanted some cardio without the impact, so I hit the bike today!  6 miles in 30 minutes plus full core, back, and leg workout… oh and threw some arms in there too!  Feeling good today and looking forward to tomorrow!

It’s been a really awesome few days!  It’s also been brought to my attention that I’m motivating others!!!!  I think that’s totally amazing and makes me even more motivated on days I don’t want to get out of bed.

As usual, please comment, share, like, follow, etc!

Tomorrow is my birthday, and I have something special planned.  😉

lovealways, Christiane

Infatuated: Blue Skies, Wide Open Spaces, and Me

I really think this title says it all. So let this be a photo entry accompanied by some words, instead of the other way around.

I’m not sure when my love and interest in bright blue skies first came about, but I know I first noticed this infatuation on top of Elk Mt. in Oklahoma.IMG_0030.PNG
You could see for miles in all directions. It was breathtakingly beautiful, the water reflecting the intense blue of the sky, and that sky meeting the land far off in the distance. Up there was the first time I realized I would have been very happy to sit for hours just bring under that sky, looking at it’s beauty and power… Feeling small and humbled, but also beautiful.

For years I took for granted the majesty and beauty of Southern Illinois, where I used to spend my summers and now where I run to in an attempt to escape New York City and regain… Or maintain… Some of my sanity. There, un-impeded by sky scrapers and city lights, you can see sky, trees, water.



I have come to realize that I could happily be under and look at a blue sky, really anywhere, and by so happy. Now I don’t just mean any blue, I mean that piercing, intense, clear, powerful blue sky that says “yes, look up from your phones, get up form your office chairs, and come outside. Look up at me and bask there, totally unchained from all other daily problems. Just be”.

I’m not saying you can’t see a phenomenal sky in New York City, because you can in fact.



You just have to be in the right place, but even then there is usually a building standing in the open blue. And all to often, you may only get a small glimpse as you move through the dark underground of the city.





I believe there is something very deeply rooted in us, that draws us to nature in some form. For me, the blue sky… Being able to watch it go on and on. Yes it can make me feel small and vulnerable, but it also gives me a view of endless possibilities with plenty of space and time to try them all. When I’m distracted by a perfect, uninterrupted blue sky, I never feel lonely or lost. I’m reminded there’s so much more out there.

Ever had a dream where you fly? Well, I can tell you- it’s the best way to see the sky!!







For more fun pictures, check out my Instagram @nychristiane ❤️. And follow, share, like, comment! I always love to get feedback and support.

Love always, Christiane

Remember to check out my original choreography “Shaded Blue” posted in Sharing is Scary Part 1

Take Off, Hey Let’s Go Flying: Airport Adventures!

How many airports have you been through? For someone who did very little air travel until being a young adult, my list is growing quickly… Roughly 7 different ones to date… And I am always surprised at how different they all are.

Being from Atlanta GA, I am used to Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport (the worlds busiest airport- beat that!!) so needless to say, anything else seems very small and quiet. When I fly to New York, I prefer to go through LaGuardia verses JFK, it’s just cozier. And Will Rodgers Airport on OKC- with it’s one terminal and 24 gates- is by far the smallest I’ve ever been in.
While sitting in the St. Louis Lambert Airport, I noticed how much each airport reflects the culture and people of its location, while serving as international hubs for people from all over the world.
At LGA people are cold and things move fast, and JFK is just flat out confusing… just like NYC. In Atlanta it’s a friendly but strictly business attitude- especially when going through security, and in the Mid-West there’s a more cozy friendly slow paced vibe. Here people are more inclined to chat and wish you safe travels and a good day. I’ve come to love flying and passing through these various ports because I get to see the people and experience a taste if different cultures.

What do I not enjoy about air travel? The TSA security. I know it’s important but boy-oh-boy is it stressful. I’m always worried I forgot to remove my bail clippers or eye drops from my bag and they will be confiscated. Or that the one time I’m running late for a flight will be the time the security line is crazy long and I get stopped to have my bag checked. Hence, I’m always very early! To date, as I’ve yet to have a major problem while traveling, I still enjoy it. The exhilaration of taking off and getting to look out the window still thrills me. I spoil myself by always flying Delta direct to my final destination. The mobile app, which lets me check and adjust my seat is the best thing ever- I now always go for a window seat. The more I fly the more little tricks I learn to make the flight more enjoyable.

What are your favorite flying moments? How many airports have you traveled through? I’ve yet to do overseas or cross country… But I’m sure it’s not far off. Comment below, share with friends, like just because you can, and follow the blog if you like reading personal stories and observations.

Carpe diem!

Love always, Christiane

I Can See the Stars

But really- I was out walking the other night, looked up, and stopped dead in my tracks– I could see hundreds of stars in the night sky. I’d almost forgotten they existed. I stood on the sidewalk in the dark for about 5 minutes, not budging- just looking and listening to the night.

I should preface this short post… I’ve left the busy crazy New York behind for 2 weeks and retreated to my summer cottage nestled between the bluffs along the mighty Mississippi River. Basically the polar opposite of NYC, Chautauqua is the perfect place to be right now.

When I return to the city, this blog will pick up again, but I’m enjoying some time without a buzz or a ding or a ring… And some time to reflect and listen to myself.

Which leads back to the inspiration for this post- not quoting a song on purpose- but I could look up and see the stars and I couldn’t look away. Being in New York, so bright and loud all the time, it’s near impossible to see the stars or hear the crickets or listen to yourself.

Full accounts of my trip, my thoughts, realizations, and workouts will be in posts to come. In the mean time…
What I would love for all of you to take from this quick post– remember to get away from your phone, computer, daily stresses and really take some time for you. Go someplace where you can look up and see stars. It will be amazing how humbled and beautiful you will feel.

Love always, Christiane.